44th Annual Rhonda Watson Brooch Results

The 44th annual Rhonda Watson Brooch was played in near perfect golfing conditions on Monday the 9th of September. Sixty-six women from 13 clubs including teams from as far as Blyth and Burra contested. This event recognises and celebrates the stella golfing contribution Rhonda Watson OAM made both on and off the course at  club, state and national level.

(View the results at the bottom of the page)

Rhonda joined GGC in 1948 as a junior Memberand played her first of 26 years of pennant in 1951. Rhonda was the first inductee into the Golf Industry Hall of Fame, Club Champion 13 times, State Amateur winner 12 times (An Australian Record), the first SA women to record a scratch handicap, National team member and non playing Captain as well as tireless golf administrator  and Committee Member. She was awarded Life Membership of the SA Ladies Golf Union as well as Life Membership of GGC. 

We were fortunate to have Rhonda’s daughter Sue Tuohy speak of her mother on a more personal level regaling stories of Rhonda’s sheer determination and one eyed devotion to Glenelg – I’m sure she would have been delighted with the Bronze Brooch result!

ResultsWinnerRunners Up
Bronze Division GA 15.1 – 25.9Catherine Johnson – 34
Sharon Taylor – 35
Annabel Hamilton – 42
Glenelg Golf Club
Thaxted Park Golf Club
Silver Division GA 15.0 and underMatilda Miels – 78
Rachel Fry – 76
Lyn Mcgough – 79
Kooyonga Golf Club
Mt Osmond Golf Club