Brisbane Golf Club joins as new Reciprocal Club

I am very pleased to announce that we have formalised a reciprocal agreement with Brisbane Golf Club in Queensland, to commence on 1st August 2023.

The reciprocal arrangement allows Members to play up to 4 games per calendar year with no green fee payable. Reciprocal Members may also introduce guests as per the current policy at the host club. A maximum group size of 8 players may visit on any one day. There is no golf access on Wednesdays or Saturdays.

Our agreement with Brisbane Golf Club is in line with the current Committee review of our reciprocal clubs to better reflect comparison with our own Club, particularly with the investment that has been made in enhancing our golf course.

Brisbane Golf Club is the oldest in the region, dating back to 1896. It boasts a sensational heritage-listed Clubhouse and is one of the leading Member based golf courses in Queensland with a strong Membership culture. Brisbane Golf Club have recently commenced planning for a full course enhancement, and have appointed highly rated Course Superintendent David Mason from Metropolitan Golf Club to drive that project. The championship golf course is one of the most improved in the country and the greens are quoted by Golf Digest as arguably the best in Queensland.

We hope Members enjoy the new addition to our reciprocal list and welcome any visitors that may visit Glenelg from Brisbane Golf Club.

Robert Vincekovic
General Manager
28th July 2023

To find out more about Glenelg Golf Club’s reciprocal Clubs please click here.