The no play zone at the left side of the 8th hole adjacent to the water holding tanks has now been removed and a new no play zone created along the edge of the holding tanks. The no play zone is marked with a row of black stakes.
If a ball comes to rest within the no play zone free relief MUST be taken at the nearest point of complete relief not nearer the hole as per Rule 16.1f.
If the relief area is on the path alongside of the tanks relief MAY be taken from the path at the nearest point of complete relief not nearer the hole in the general area as per Rule 16.1b.
If a ball is not found in the no play zone it must be known or virtually certain that the ball came to rest in or on the no play zone.
If it is not known or virtually certain that the ball came to rest in or on the no play zone and is lost, the player must take stroke and distance relief under Rule 18.2.
Please remember that if your best option is to play the ball from the path that is your choice as it is not mandatory to drop off the path.
Any queries please speak to the Pro Shop.