Course News & Closures – Practice Fairway Irrigation Update #3
After having the Practice Fairway closed this Monday and Tuesday, course staff have made great progress in putting the finishing touches to the Irrigation upgrade. Old turf was removed from trenches before excavated soil was back-filled following this. Trenches were then compacted by wheel rolling with our tractor.
Valve boxes have been installed over sluice valves as well as earth grounding rods and electrical surge protection. Now the only remaining works to be carried out are the setting of sprinkler arcs, levelling sprinkler heads and the levelling of trenches with fill sand. The Central Control computer has been configured and as a result the Practice Fairway irrigation is now fully automated and will now come back into full irrigation mode next week.
With only minor finishing works now to be completed, the Practice Fairway will be closed from 8:30am Monday 17th to finalise these works, reopening for business as usual on Tuesday 18th.
We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience over the period that we have been undertaking these works.