MEMBER NOTICE: Additional Local Rules

A number of additional local rules have been introduced, effective from 20th May 2016, which are to be read in conjunction with the Rules of Golf and Local Rules displayed on the scorecard.

Where there is apparent conflict between these Rules and those on the scorecard, these Rules take precedence.]

Turf Nursery (LHS 12th Hole)

The turf nursery on the LHS of the 12th hole (defined by white stakes and/or painted white lines) is ground under repair from which play is prohibited.

If a player’s ball lies in the area, or if it interferes with the player’s stance or the area of intended swing, the player MUST take relief under Rule 25-1.

Western Car Park (adjacent 1st & 7th holes)

If it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball has come to rest within the western car park, a ball MUST be played from the dropping zone nearest to the point where the ball last crossed the margin of the car park, without penalty. (Rules 24-2, 24-3.b(i) and the Note to Appendix 1, B, V,8).

Painted Blue Lines

Through the green, a ball that comes to rest in or on a painted blue line MAY be lifted without penalty, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole.  The ball when dropped must first strike a part of the course through the green.

However, interference by the painted blue line with the player’s stance is deemed not to be, or itself, interference under Rule 25-1.

Seeded Area RHS 7th Fairway

If it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball has come to rest within the seeded area on the RHS of the 7th fairway (defined by painted white lines), a ball MUST be played from the dropping zone nearest to the point where the ball last crossed the margin of the seeded area, without penalty. (Rules 24-2, 24-3.b(i) and the Note to Appendix 1, B, V,8).