RESULTS: Pairs & Partners Order of...
Mark Hall & Joy Green won the Adelaide Cup Day event and Lee & Emma Cole won the OOM.
Mark Hall & Joy Green won the Adelaide Cup Day event and Lee & Emma Cole won the OOM.
Glenelg’s Frank Vucic, Jack Tanner, Brodie Whitbread, Charley Jacobs and Shakira-Ann Kuys competed in the annual Cudmore Cheney & Border Challenge.
Glenelg Golf Club Junior member Charley Jacobs won the Trophy with a score of 39 points.
The results have been collated following the final round of the 2015/2016 Men’s Eclectic.
Wines by KT will be holding a wine tasting on Wednesday, 16th March from 6pm.
Entries are now open for the 2016 Jimmy McLachlan Memorial Trophy, being played on Sunday, 10th April.
It gives me great pleasure to present the 2015 Captain’s Report to members of Glenelg Golf Club.
Congratulations to Glenelg Golf Club Junior Tiger Jack Leonard for winning the MyGolfer of the Month award.
Four nominations have been received for election to the Committee of Management.