Handicapping Communication from Golf Australia

As a component of the implementation program for the new GA Handicap System, Golf Australia will continue to provide various support resources for the use of those officials and golfers who are keen to get a more detailed understanding of how the complete system will operate when it comes into full effect.

Two of the headline components of the new system will be DSR (Daily Scratch Rating) and Slope. To assist clubs with providing information to members on DSR and Slope, we (Golf Australia) have put together a Q&A style resource which is attached. This Q&A on DSR and Slope provides information on topics that have been of interest to officials and golfers, including on the implementation work that is now well underway.

Also attached is a Q&A style resource which covers points that have been of interest regarding the Anchor regulation. A summary of all components of the new GA Handicap System is available on the GA website – www.golfaustralia.org.au (go to ‘Rules & Handicapping’, then ‘Handicapping & Course Rating’, then ‘New GA Handicap System’).

Click here to down the Q&A on DSR and Slope

Click here to download the Q&A on the Anchor regulation